Meet Customer Experience & Engagement Manager, Maia, who's the driving force behind awesome events and activations at Harbour Grounds! From epic FAT sessions to pride yoga events, Harbour Grounds believe in keeping their corporate community fit, motivated, and engaged.
What is your role within the Harbour Grounds Team?
My role is the Customer Experience and Engagement Manager. I look after events and activations, marketing, and customer communications for the Harbour Grounds community. The commercial buildings we manage include Air New Zealand, Fonterra, KPMG Centre, Auckland Transport, Datacom House, Bayleys House, and Microsoft House. But our Harbour Grounds events are open to the wider community too.
How did your company hear about FAT and what does a FAT x Harbour Grounds session look like?
FAT is generally well known in the Wynyard Quarter community and my colleague had recommended FAT. We have done a couple of different events, the highlight being our Pride yoga event held earlier in the year. We provided some yummy chia pots, asked our customers to dress LOUD and gave away a Lululemon prize for the best dressed. All proceeds went to supporting Rainbow Youth. It was lots of fun!
If you could highlight three main benefits you and your colleagues get from your FAT sessions, what would they be?
- They offer a great way for Harbour Grounds occupiers to do something fun and motivating, we often see teams attend together which is awesome to see
- The classes are perfect for breaking up the work day or for kicking off the day on a good note, especially if you are having a stressful week
- You get to meet people from other buildings in the Harbour Grounds neighbourhood.
What advice would you give other companies thinking of getting FAT on board?
FAT has made offering fitness classes easy for us, and they are willing to customise events when we want to do something a bit special too.
What else does your employee wellness program involve?
We like to put on a variety of wellness events to keep things interesting for our community. In the past this has included puppy cuddling sessions, massages, health checks, financial wellness talks, nutrition talks, mental health talks and social events (like our paint and sip and terrarium workshop).
In your ideal world, what does wellness in the workplace look like?
I think focusing on all aspects of wellness is key. Physical health (like FAT classes), mental health events, emotional health (social events are great for this) and financial health.
If possible, please send through 3 or 4 photos of both you and your team/workplace to your answers :)