The key to improving your fitness is to train consistently, which means striking a balance between exercise and recovery. You need to consider your goals, the intensity of your exercise and any history of injury. The type of training you do will also determine how often you need to workout. While there is no universal formula, we’ve put together some guidelines around building a sustainable and effective workout routine.
HIIT Frequency
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has gained popularity for delivering incredible results in a short space of time. A typical HIIT workout is based around bursts of intense exercise, followed by short periods of rest and the goal is to reach approximately 90% of your maximum heart rate so you really need to push yourself during each session.
Despite the incredible benefits of HIIT, it’s important not to overdo it. You should aim for a maximum of three HIIT workouts per week. Too much HIIT training can lead to adverse effects and you may start to experience increased fatigue or delayed muscle repair. HIIT also spikes our stress hormone cortisol, short term increases in cortisol can be positive however elevating this too frequently can lead to fatigue, hormone disruptions and joint pain.
Rest and Recover
Exercise stresses different systems in our body. This stress causes fatigue, but also leads to positive adaptations. Improvements only happen with a combination of recovery and repetition so it’s important to break up your HIIT Bootcamp workouts with low intensity movement such as yoga, pilates so your routine is sustainable. Not only do these options give your muscles time to recover they also offer their own unique benefits for both your physical and mental wellbeing.
Fitness doesn’t work in isolation
Regular movement is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health but you need to check that the rest of your lifestyle is supporting your wellness goals too. Sleep and nutrition are two pillars of health that can’t be ignored.
Sleep is more powerful than any drug in its ability to restore and rejuvenate our brain and body. When we sleep our brain goes to work clearing away dead matter, balancing hormones and solidifying information from the previous day. Sleep deprivation has been linked to increased risk of diabetes and Alzheimer's, decreased pain tolerance and weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep per night and try to keep those hours consistent to avoid a jet-lagged effect.
No matter how much you workout, if you’re not eating well you will struggle to make progress towards your fitness goals. Focus on nutrient dense foods and if you’re working out frequently make sure you have adequate protein intake to support muscle repair.
Finding a fitness routine that works for you can take time, even a little trial and error. Remember to build into a new routine slowly and allow your body time between workouts to recover. Our HIIT workouts are designed to challenge you but we also offer yoga, meditation and pilates classes as low impact, restorative options. Our knowledgeable trainers are always happy to help you find a routine that works for your goals and lifestyle, don’t hesitate to have a chat at your next class or reach out to kevin@fitnessalltogether.co.nz for more information.
How Often Should You Really Do HIIT Workouts? (2017, June 6). Greatist. https://greatist.com/fitness/hiit-workouts-should-be-done-how-often#how-often-to-train
Park, A. (2014, September 11). The Power of Sleep. Time; Time. https://time.com/3326565/the-power-of-sleep/