Meet new coach, yoga expert and travel lover, Elisa

Say hello to Elisa, our new yoga instructor and travel lover...

Tell us a bit about yourself

Hi, I’m Elisa, 27 yo, half french half rwandese, I moved to New-Zealand last year. I am an extrovert/easy going person, with a lot of energy. I'm always keen on discovering new things, people, culture and places.

You’ve been on the FAT team for a little while now, taking corporate yoga classes almost every day. How did you hear about FAT?

My friend told me about FAT, and how it would be such a great idea for me to be part of the FAT team with my yoga journey. I recently had the opportunity of becoming part of the community & I’m grateful to embark on a beautiful journey.

Can you describe yourself in three words?

Positive, Extrovert, Playful.

What is your Health and Fitness background? How did you transition into yoga instructing?

I started my yoga journey 7 years ago, in my apartment in Brussels, I enjoyed what I was discovering. I decided to leave everything and go travel the world for 1 year. I went to India for my 200 hrs YTTC and it was a revelation. It made me realise the beauty of yoga. It was clear I wanted to share this practice with people around me.

What do you love about practising yoga?

I love that it brings me this sense of steadiness, of being in the present moment, the acute awareness of my breathing. The fact that I can work on my strength and my mind at the same time is important. When I step on my mat, I like to dedicate my practice to universal love.

What are your top 3 pieces of advice to build a Healthy routine?

  1. Discipline, sometimes we can easily get caught in our comfort zone and give up on our goals, we want to stick to our goals and be focused.
  2. Consistency, being focused on our goals is one thing, but we have to keep it up so that we can see effective results on our health, mind & body.
  3. Healthy habits, like meditating even for 5 min every day before doing anything, clears your mind and keeps you goal oriented throughout the day.

What would you say to someone who isn't sure about taking a yoga class?

Give it a try! There’s nothing you can lose in trying something new, you can only gain from learning. It’s okay to be nervous, just remember how fun it is to try something new and challenge ourselves.

What goals do you have for the remainder of 2023?

I want to keep up with my goals, which are: being more creative, training harder, taking the time to slow down, spending as much time as I can in nature. I want to finalise my degrees in order to become a scuba diving instructor. Staying close to the ocean, which is my happy place to be.