Meet Paul: The Kiwi from France

Meet Paul, one of the FAT OGs and an amazing fisherman (apparently!). His high energy and big smile always keeps the good vibes.

Read more about his story below and don't forget to say 'Bonjour' to him next time you see him!
Tell us a bit about yourself?

Bonjour! My name is Paul. Originally from France but resonate myself as a kiwi after living here for 6 years. I work in construction as a mechanical engineer, building the first Metro infrastructure in New Zealand. I really enjoy working in such an interesting and challenging industry. Also really proud to be a part of a project that build the Tamaki Makaurau of tomorrow.

How did you hear about FAT, do you remember the first session?

A few friends convinced me to join a session back in July 2021 and I’ve been hooked ever since. I remember thinking “wow that was a tough workout”. My body was not used to it but I loved the spirit.

We have shared a few workouts together, what makes you keep coming back?

I really enjoy that you get to work all the different muscles, with some sessions being cardio oriented and others more strength focused. The diversity of coaches also makes every session a bit different.

What would you say to someone hesitating to come to FAT?

Best group work out I have ever tried. The music, the people and exercising outdoors. It is suitable for all fitness levels and your first session is free. No excuse!

Do you have a most memorable moment with us?

My very first FAT Friday after lockdown! I didn’t think I could ever wake up at 6 am to work out but being surrounded by more than 70 people at Silo Park felt so energising and motivating.

Outside of our weekly session, what is your relationship with exercise/movement?

I love spending my free time outdoors exploring New Zealand while sailing, surfing and tramping.

What are your health, life goals in 2023?

Eat more cheese, drink more wine.

Climb Mitre Peak.

Prepare for my second marathon.

Could you tell us 3 pieces of advice you would give to someone on their mental and/or physical health?

Try to exercise with friends, it is way more motivating.

Go at your own pace, don’t be too hard on yourself.

Connect with people from different age groups and cultural background, it is truly enlightening.