Coach Saraya has been with FAT Road Runners since the beginning. Read more about her running journey below!
How is your personal running journey going?
I couldn't be happier with how I'm going at the moment, both mentally and physically with my running. In the last year I have done a complete 180 on how I look at it. It's no longer something I do to work towards a goal or race, but something I get to do everyday for myself that I absolutely love. I've smashed some personal best times and won some races, but i've also had some injuries and the dreaded ' C word' has set me back, but it's all part of my journey. I've been coached through FEMMI for over a year now, and its been a real eye opener for me around how a my individual hormonal profile can be used as a tool in training.
What has been your biggest achievement in running?
I'd have to say my biggest acheivement is my own committment and motivation to be honest. It's something I can be proud of every time I lace up my sneakers and go for a run. I started running again 3 and a half years ago after having my son, and never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be where I am today, so heavily involved in the running community and having opportunities like Road Runners to inspire and educate other people.

What does FAT ROAD RUNNERS mean to you?
This is my second year being a part of the Road Runners team, and this year I've had the opportunity to put together the training programme. Whether you're an experienced runner with a bunch of races under your belt, or if you're training towards your first ever race and dont know where to start - this is a safe, incusive, and fun community and I'm lucky enough to be a part of it to encourage, inspire and teach you guys a thing or two along the way.
What is your most memorable run?
My most memorable run to date has got to be the Auckland Half Marathon that took place in January. I set some pretty hefty goals for myself for this race, and after the delays and inturruptions from the original start date in October last year, I was ready to give it a good crack. I'd been training for this race for what felt like forever and I was just happy to be there. When I crossed the finish line, I saw I missed my goal time by 2 minutes. I did however, manage a 5 minute personal best time, and placed in top 10 which exeeded my wildest expectations. It's my most memorable run because even though I didnt meet my goal, I genuinely enjoyed every step or that race. I smiled the entire 21.1km.