Hear from Fitness All Together owner, Kevin on his journey with running and how it has changed over time! He's making strides every day to improve his running and loves clocking up the K's alongside our FAT Road Runners community.
How is your personal running journey going?
It has been a journey over the last 2 years! As an outdoor activity person and a mutli-sport enthusiast, I have always enjoyed running. Unfortunately, after tearing my ACL and damaging my meniscus I had to have surgery in March 2021. It took me 4 months to be able to take classes and start running again but I won't lie, it's still not the same as before. I have engaged myself to run the Auckland Marathon this year which is a big deal for me! My goal is to train smart and surround myself with people who are ready for a running challenge this year too. Let's enjoy the ride and celebrate on the 30th of October. I've heard that a party is on the way... :)
What has been your biggest personal running acheivement?
I could say the first and only half Marathon I did, which was in 2018. It was in Waiheke, I didn't prepare for it and guess waht happened... I suffered for days after the race. I was fast but not smart (don't do that to your body). To come back to the question, Samantha Hickey (One of our FAT coaches) challenged me in December 2021 to run a half marathon before the end of that year. It was just 9 months after my surgery, and on a hot and humid Monday morning - we did it. She smoked me, but I did it! A very cool moment for me shared with a cool human!

What does FAT Road Runners mean to you?
A lot! We started last year, coming out of nowhere in July (4 months before the Marathon). The vision was to support anyone willing to move their body, maybe run the Auckland 11km, 21km or 42km and provide a FREE online program & FREE weekly Strength and Conditioning session. The response was huge, people were keen to get involved and RR was born. A year after, here we are again! New faces, new coaches, same weather but trust me... we have such a good vibe going this year! Come and join us connect, support, share, inspire and celebrate as a community, that's what Road Runners means!
What are your top 3 pieces of advice for people wanting to start or re-start running?
1. Find your crew. Get inspired by someone that will support you. In my opinion, there is something about running that you can't find in many sports. It is accessible and very social! If you don't have anyone, you have us! Don't be shy, come along or flick us a message if you need more info.
2. Listen to your body before, during and after the run. Put it this way, you can't run without your body so you need to look after it. Start small and stay consistent if you want to reach where you want to be.
3. Try to find a way to make it fun. Music play's a huge part for me. You will feel good once it's done, you know it!