Meet Jono & Libby! Straight back to the FAT community after a few months travelling, they're all about sun, surf and finding joy in movement. We asked how they discovered FAT and why they keep coming back for those epic workouts rain or shine.
Can you each tell us a little bit about yourselves?
Libby: I’m Lib, a South island girl turned Auckland based doctor. I’ve always been a sunworshipper and love anything that involves getting outside and connecting with the people around me.
Jono: I’m Jono, an Auckland native and supply chain consultant. I love the ocean having grown up surfing, and if you can’t find me at the beach you can find me watching my beloved Tottenham Hotspur (it’s been a tough few years).
How did you hear about FAT, do you remember your first session?
Lib knew Taylor, one of the amazing instructors, and saw that she had shared a post on her Instagram about FAT. We decided to give it a go on a cold Saturday morning as we were both looking for other options when it came to fitness other than your regular commercial gym. That was a couple of years ago and we’ve never looked back!
We have shared a few workouts together, what makes you keep coming back?
For us there is nothing better than getting outside, rain or shine, and moving the body. We are naturally pretty active people (active relaxers!), but FAT gives you an hour to get off your screen, get outside and connect with likeminded people. A gym just can’t give you that.
What would you say to someone hesitating to come to FAT?
It can definitely be intimidating coming to something new that is fitness-related. The emphasis of the classes is on community and allowing people to do their best, whatever their level of fitness is. So we would say just turn up, go at your own pace and enjoy the social side of working out with an awesome group of humans.
Do you have a most memorable moment with us?
Easy! There was a FAT Friday session toward the back end of last year. We all know how horrendous the summer weather was but this particular morning it was bucketing down. In the face of this, over 40 people showed up at 6.40am with a smile on their faces ready to get stuck into it. Nothing breaks the ice better than a few burpees in horizontal rain!
Outside of our weekly session, what is your relationship with exercise/movement?
We place a lot of value in our health, whether that be mental or physical, and have really tried to understand what is good/bad for our hauora. Movement and getting outside is a huge part of that for us, whether it be running, surfing, pilates or just a 20 minute stroll around the neighbourhood after dinner.
What are your health / life / movement goals for the rest of the year?
We’ve just come back from 6 months travelling through Europe and Asia and have jumped into new gigs, so initially it’s been about prioritising time in the week to be active and reconnect with our friends and family. There is talk of the Hawkes Bay half and maybe a surf trip to Indo at some stage next year…
Could you tell us 3 pieces of advice you would give to someone on their mental and/or physical health?
Rest is just as important as movement. Don’t forget to take time during the week to slow down and recover.
Next would be to invest in exercise that brings you joy rather than forcing yourself to do something you don’t love - life is too short!
Balance! We’re always trying to find a balance between work, life, play, health and all the rest, but just keeping it in the back of your mind often helps.