New week, new member of the community! Let us introduce you to Shobit.
If you've had the chance to come to our Thursday sessions, you will recognise his smile and positive energy.
Tell us a little bit about yourself :)
Hi everyone I’m Shobit.
I love having a laugh and getting to meet new people. Outdoor movement and connecting with the world around me is really important to me.
I work at Bayleys as a residential salesperson. I love it, I get to meet new people and help make a positive difference in people's lives, winning peoples trust is a really special feeling.
How did you get into running / what does your running journey look like?
I got into running during intermediate. I was always one of the slowest kids, or the kid at the back, scared to compete. One day, I simply decided to give it my best and go all out. Surprised by the results and by my own capabilities I decided to actually start running. Haven’t looked back since.
How did you hear about FAT, do you remember your first session?
I heard of FAT two years ago. A friend of mine would regularly post on Instagram about their Silo Sessions. My first session was last year at the Inaugural Fat Road Runners Session, before Covid unfortunately took that away from us.

You’ve been coming to Road Runners regularly; what is it that keeps you coming back?
The People! And of course Kev’s playlists! Kev, Saraya & Cam, the three of them are such amazing coaches, mentors and above all are really great people.
Then the Road Runners themselves, hats off to all the runners seriously! The energy everyone brings each session, everyone is trying their hardest, they’re all having fun. I guess we all sort of feed off the positive energy from one another.
Do you have a running motto or mantra? What keeps you going while you’re running?
My mantra is just, “enjoy it and be present in the moment”. What keeps me going is the flow state. Running for me is one of the easiest ways to get into flow state and often I end up feeling more refreshed after than I felt going into the run.
What would you say to someone who is unsure about coming to Road Runners?
Don’t wait! Seriously you’re bound to meet some really awesome people and you’ll likely walk away having learnt something you didn’t know before.
If that isn’t so appealing, then the one thing I can leave you with is, is that it's a lot of fun, and who doesn’t like to have fun?
Outside of our weekly session, what is your relationship with exercise/movement?
My work mate and I lift weights at the gym every morning at 5! I’ll be frank, I can’t say I love waking up at around 4:15 everyday hahaha! But it's a lot easier to do it when you have some co-accountability, when you know there is someone there ready to hold you accountable, S/O to the bro Jack!
Could you tell us 3 pieces of advice you would give to someone on their mental and/or physical health?
I’m a big fan of stoicism.
So for me:
- “We can’t control what's happened to us, but we can control how we feel and what we do next”. Its incredibly important to acknowledge that after any sort of turmoil/hardship we experience, that we are still in control of what we do next, and that we can choose to not let our hardships define who we are.
- Pause! Sometimes we get so caught up with the whirlwind of activity that is life that we forget to take a breath. Its okay to pause and to give yourself a rest, life’s an ultra marathon and not a sprint. Its okay to give yourself some time to evaluate and rest.
- Everyone has a different fitness journey - I learnt this the hard way, but not everyone has to have six pack abs or a toned stomach, it's okay to be you, to be healthy and to make positive lifestyle choices that is plenty.