Meet Megan, Jack of all trades!

A familiar face for many; Megan has been coming to FAT since our OG warehouse days, so we thought it was time to introduce her properly! A writer by day and a movement fanatic by night (or early morning), read why Megan loves FAT; movement and our community.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Megan, kind of a Jack-of-all-trades Master-of-none! I’m a full-time copywriter, but also a yoga teacher, student, possibly the worst waitress you’ll ever have, and lover of movement.

How did you hear about FAT, do you remember your first session?

I followed FAT on Instagram and lurked about for ages. I finally got the guts to go to my first session in the OG warehouse. Loved the tunes, loved the battle ropes, loved the view!

We have shared a few workouts together, what makes you keep coming back?

The community for sure. Even if I don’t feel 100%, I know I’ll see some friendly faces and have a good run around! Also the variety of movement in a FAT class is amazing. It makes me realise how strong I am or what I need to work on. That and the slam balls - they’re a solid mental health tool!

What would you say to someone hesitating to come to FAT?

Usually what’s stopping us is being the odd one out, so coming with a mate is always good. If you don’t have a buddy who’s game, message me!

Do you have a most memorable moment with us?

My first sunrise stair run at Silo Park. There’s a magic in sprinting towards that orange sky above Tāmaki just when the world’s waking up!

Outside of our weekly session, what is your relationship with exercise/movement?

I move everyday, sometimes gently, sometimes fiercely. I’m an active relaxer, so knowing when to pull back is a challenge - that’s where mind/body connection is so important. Know your mind and your body will follow.

What are your health, life goals in 2022?

Being mindful about my input/output. I’m extremely competitive and tend to push, push, push. I’m trying to practice what I preach in my yoga/meditation classes - essentially, have more chill!

Could you tell us 3 pieces of advice you would give to someone on their mental and/or physical health?

  • Ease in with small goals.
  • Talk (or write) about your feelings - don’t go it alone!
  • Breathe, it helps.