Our new OUT OF OFFICE employee wellness programme is live now, and what better way to celebrate your year this silly season than by getting moving with your team? If you're after more information on this one, you're in the right place...
What is Out Of Office?
Out of Office is a new collaboration between Fitness All Together and partners, designed to challenge the way we traditionally connect with our colleagues. Whilst everyone loves celebrating the silly season (including us!), we believe there can be a more meaningful way to get together; a healthy event, connecting through movement! And that’s not to say that the day can’t end in a pub! Out Of Office: "A different kind of Christmas Party", is an invitation to start your celebrations sweating it out together, raising endorphins and feeling good.
How Can I Sign Up?
Follow the sign up link below to register your interest! We'll collect some details from you, and then someone from the FAT team will be in touch to confirm your booking. It's that easy!
Does my company need to be in Auckland?
Nope! For the first time, FAT is able to offer nation-wide bookings! If you have a team in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, we've got instructors through out Aoteoroa, so everyone can be involved*
What if my employees work remotely around the country?
No worries! We can do classes via zoom so all can participate! **HIIT classes are currently only available in Auckland.
What are you offering?
You can choose from our variety of class styles: HIIT (high intensity interval training); yoga; pilates (traditional or HIIT style) or breathwork / meditation. If you aren't sure which is right for you, read about each class style. After class, we'll provide coffee courtesy of Coffee Supreme and a variety of refreshing drinks from Almighty & Ārepa. Plus, booking in an Out of Office session puts you in the draw to win our Big Prize Pack.
How much does it cost?
The Out of Office package is a special price of $290 + GST, which allows for up to 30 participants. We can accommodate groups larger than 30, with price on application.
What can I win?
Booking in an Out of Office package puts you in the draw to win our Big Prize Pack, valued at $2500!
- 1 x FAT class per week for one month
- $200 Lululemon Voucher
- 3 x month supply of Almighty for the office
- 3 month supply of Coffee supreme blend
- 3 x month supply of Ārepa
When can I register until?
This iteration of Out of Office is only on offer for the remainder of 2023! Bookings are open now, and can be booked in right up until Christmas but be careful, we have limited space. Don't sleep on it and contact us now.
Have more questions?
Email us at kevin@fitnessalltogether.co.nz or register below!